Update of Mini Masters Guidelines
The Mini Masters points now include the Trafalgar tournament for 2018
King Cetshwayo
The King Cetshwayo tournament was held in Richards Bay on the 7th - 9th September 2018.
KZN Umgungundlovu Tournament
The KZN Umgungundlovu tournament was held on the 10th, - 12th August at Kershaw Park
KZN Mini 2
KZN Mini 2 was held on the 11th, 12th and 13th May 2018 at Westridge Tennis Stadium.
Congratulations to the winners
South Coast Tourism Tennis Tournament
The South Coast Tourism Tennis Tournament was held at Uvongo Tennis Club, Douglas Mitchell, Umtentweni Tennis Club and Southbroom Tennis Club.
KZN Min 1
KZN Mini 1 was played at Westridge on the 9th - 11th February 2018
Draws and Results available on the sportyhq website
Click below
Draws and ResultsTrafalgar Property Management KZN Junior Open
The Trafalgar Property Management KZN Open tournament will be held from the 29th September to the 2nd October.